Dinosaurs I-L
Iguanodon lived during the early Cretaceous period. Its name means “iguana tooth.” It was a herbivore. Did you know that it was the second dinosaur ever discovered?
Irritator lived during the middle Cretaceous period. Its name means “the irritating one.” It was a carnivore. Scientists only found a partial skull, which was annoying to them. So they called the dinosaur “Irritator.”
Isisaurus lived during the late Cretaceous period. It got its name from the Indian Statistical Institute It was a herbivore found in India.
Janenschia lived during the late Jurassic period. It was named after Werner Janensch. It was an herbivore found in Africa.
Jaxartosaurus lived during the late Cretaceous period. Its name means “Jaxartes River lizard.” It was a herbivore. It was found in Kazakhstan and China.
Jobaria lived during the early Cretaceous period. Its name comes from a mythical creature named Jobar. It was a herbivore and a sauropod. It was only found in Niger.
Kentrosaurus lived during the late Jurassic period. Its name means “the spiked lizard.” It was a herbivore and it had less plates than any other stegosaur.
Kosmoceratops lived during the late Cretaceous period. Its name means “fifteen horned face.” It was a herbivore. It had more horns than any other ceratopcian.
Kotasaurus lived during the early Jurassic period. Its name means “Kota lizard.” It was a herbivore and it was only found in India.
Lambeosaurus lived during the late Cretaceous period. It was named after Lawrence Lambe. It was a herbivore. Scientists think it hooted very loudly.
Leptoceratops lived during the late Cretaceous period. Its name means “slim-horned face.” It was a herbivore. It looked like a ceratops but it didn’t have any horns.
Liopleurodon lived during the middle Jurassic period. Its name means “smooth-sided tooth.” It was a carnivore. It was a marine reptile, not a dinosaur.